Saturday 7 May 2011

Through It All

Move, move I do
Through time.
From one birth to another;
Now here, then there.

From one womb to another,
Thirsting forever for a new role.
The darkness forever pulling at me,
Light is far away.
Oh! Stop the torment.
Don't torture me!
Help me decide -
Is the flame calling out stronger
Or am I getting lost in the dark abyss?
The dark, unknown does attract.

The deep fury of the waves,
The whoosh of the angry winds,
The rapid flutter of the bird,
The rain lashing on the ground,
The rowdy crowd shouting,
And then, silence!

The calm sea,
The cool breeze,
The sailing bird,
The light soothing drizzle,
The crowd chanting in harmony...

Where do I stand?
Through it all.

Through the darkness and light,
Through the noise and calm;
Awaiting change, yet stability.

But, I am finished into ashes
And I start anew, a fresh strife;
For that's my nature -
I am life.