Behind me walks my shadow
A reflection of what I am
Becoming a silhouette beside
With my waxing and waning light!
You catch me unaware
Or just accompany me everywhere
Perhaps, leave me alone at times
Am I of you or you of me, I wonder?
Two companions apparently stuck
Yet one disappears unannounced
If I were to catch you
You just suddenly twirl and disappear!
Am I of you or you of me?
Are you more enormous than me?
Dwarf-like or gigantic can be your dimensions
Guess it’s all up to me!
To lead or be led by you,
I choose the latter many a times
I am at the lowest trough
Only to bounce back each time.
You are of me
Or that’s how it should be –
Emanating from my light,
My companion – as long as I wish,
To be a dull outline behind,
Behind the vast fiery build…
A miniscule reflection of me
Not over-arching, only a minor projection
Of what I permit in whatever degree.