Friday, 20 November 2020


The eyes in the mirror ๐Ÿ˜‡


The eyes in the mirror

They peer at me

No they don’t see

They almost glare

Glare is not one of anger

Or of discomfort or nonchalance

Intrigue is more like it

Big round & brown

Perhaps with an endearing frown.


A wide forehead

Ruffled black hair

Thick wooly brows

A bit knitted should I say?

Ears having big lobes

No crow’s feet

Just immense & wide

The eyes, you can’t forget

They seem suspect.


Suspect I do

A lonely spirit

Moving back & forth

Lips hinging on a smile

They speak to me

A language you can’t hear

Only understand

From the heart

Of your thoughts

They are a part.


A part of me

No, me a part

Of the eyes, ears

Nose & smiling lips

Of the twisted hair

Of the layered smoothness

And the grit within

A hand touches mine

And all seems just fine.


Yes, all is well

Each time you look

And keep looking

This moment and every

The eyes embrace me

And that is enough

A sweet bluff.


Bluff it is that

You are around

Well partially true

It’s a virtual hug

A chat in thoughts

Perhaps this too is fine

As long as I feel you

As the eyes in the mirror

With each passing moment only nearer…