Saturday, 30 July 2011

I want my ice-cream!

The little girl was playing with her dolls. She hurriedly went in and out of her doll-house. She could have done that all day long had her mother not interrupted with, “Get ready quickly. We have to go for shopping.”
“No, no, no,” howled the angel transforming into an angst-ridden Medusa, trying to reach out and catch her predator. “I don’t want to go. I want to play with Ria, Ronnie and Svetlana,” shouted the badgered soul, taking the names of all her companions – her dolls.
Finally, the mother managed to convince her, alluring her with the ever-successful bait of ice-cream and some more goodies. Do you think these mouth-slurping baits were ever going to really come the little angel’s way?
Nah….. Baits are some distant psychological tool used by mothers to get THEIR way around and then phishhhh…
What we forget is that kids no longer suffer from selective amnesia. And, never when it comes to things which their tiny brain keeps sending electric signals about… Parents perhaps are slowly realizing that the bait-game is passé; it’s just an anachronism in the world of today’s smart Alecs.
So was the story with this kind daughter who had obliged her mommy with her company. Her only concern was that soon enough she will be slurping and licking her favourite plain vanilla ice-cream in a crunchy waffle cone. Her mind was set that no matter what she was out to get herself an ice-cream and nothing else mattered!
While mommy dear became oblivious to the bait she had thrown, her daughter did not let her forget… even in-between the tired foot-steps dragging themselves from one shop to another; being literally dragged by the high speed pitter-pattering feet on seeing a board which shouted- SALE.
Her belief, not the ardent shopper’s, but the hooked ice-cream lover’s belief was firm that today was her special ice-cream day…. “I will get it even if I have to walk the ten extra steps for it ultimately,” perhaps thought the tired, but optimistic soul.
Hmmm….. I too want my ice-cream eventually and will have it!

Friday, 8 July 2011

I Also Saw...

Have you seen the sun, moon, stars and the sky?
The bird’s flight, the duck’s waddle
And, the smile of the passers-by?

Did you see the man with the cigar?
Driving a luxurious four-wheel
And, the prosperity around his central keel?

Did you see the candy man?
Shouting forcefully to sell
And enjoying his sweltering tan?

Have you seen the gleeful child?
Playing with his vivacious mom
Who has a manner which is not so mild?

I also saw.....
The dark sky,
The ceaseless flapping,
The tears before the smiles,
The lean shadow toiling relentlessly,
The hot flushes on his face,
The mother's hair thin and white...
And the courage and perseverance behind the smiling might!